Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Cinnamon's Wednesday

Mamas day

I love my life as a mum and wife, I really do :-). But every day seems to be so busy. Today I'm not working, so I can have a sleep in with Toblerone, my mini flavour, until around 7:30. Wow... After breakfast we go to a playgroup and on our way back we have a quick stop by the swings. Then hurry hurry home so I can cook lunch. I made a lovely macaroni cheese with vegetables, and guess what hubby said when he came home: "And where's my meat?" Mmmh, or grrrr... Why can't men live without their meat, or maybe it's just mine.. Anyway he enjoyed his meal as I promised him chorizo sausages for dinner :-).

This afternoon the flavours will meet for coffee. I'm looking forward to that!


  1. Omg. That is what my husband always sais . Where is my meat?

  2. You are not alone ;) Cin no meat- that means snack ;) meat- means dinner ! Vanilla xx
