Saturday, 16 May 2015

Good morning with my Special Porridge ;D

Well , I think it is about the time I shared this amazing porridge recipe with you.
My Mum started this! I like it very much, and I think you might too.
It is easy to make and it is sooo nutritious :) Are you getting excited ?
This is my  usual Saturday breakfast as in a week am too busy to be cooking porridge early in the morning. I wouldn't prepare it a day in advance, because all nutrients would disappear and that would be pointless. I drink my protein shake in a week. It is a nice change to eat a bit differently on a weekend ;)
You will need Pumpkin Seeds ,Chia Seeds, Black Sesame Seeds and Lin Seeds - one teaspoon of each.
I had some coconut milk left , 1/2 of  the can. So I cooked my porridge in it. I added some water to it also, as it is quite reach.
Cook your porridge as usual. I put pinch of Himalayan Salt in it while cooking.
When porridge is cooked I drizzle it with little bit of Maple Syrup.
Than, I put all my seeds into a coffee grinder , wiz it all together and put it on my porridge...At first it looks like mountains , but than I stare it all in,  dig in :D and enjoy it .....
If you would like to find out more about why  these seeds are so good for you, please visit my blog :
MATCHA TEA = MY GOLD ( label - Health and Fitness ) that is where I explain more about these seeds.

                                                                Vanilla xx


  1. That really sounds like a good start to the weekend. I like my porridge with linseed too but I use them in whole. Are they still nutritious? Cinnamon x

  2. They are nutritious, specialty if well chewed ;) but there is always possibility, that they get out of your system whole, so the goodness is not totally absorbed.... I think best are ground and eaten as soon as possible ;) Vanilla xx

  3. Ok, I'll try that then. Thanks. You know what I bought that juicer today. I thought I just give it a go again. I am really excited to try it tomorrow! Thanks for the lovely walk ;-). Great time. Cinnamon x

  4. It was great! Thank you for coming with me to explore The South ;) We can post blog on Tuesday together :)
    O nice you have got that juicer now. You will love it and Y.Little Flavour too :D She was great fun yesterday.I have a fun pic.of her ;) Which is going on blog on Tuesday.
    Vanilla xx
