Saturday, 2 May 2015

One step or one-hundred words

... and all of a sudden you are called mama!

There are so many premieres with your child: first smile, first time holding their head without support, first time rolling, first time eating solids, first time sitting up, first time saying mama and of course the first steps. They are a big step for mama too because it means one step closer to independence. Of course that's what it's all about but letting go is not easy.
My mini-me is one and a half year old but she is still not walking. It is scary because I start thinking there might be something wrong with her. I start comparing - well I guess because, like it or not, mums are comparing all the time - but I also start searching for reasons. I'm pretty sure Toblerone is just late - my mum used to say I preferred talking instead of walking when I was a toddler too. It must actually be true then: children are either quick walker or early talker. Our little one is talking all day she even started singing her nursery rhymes. A few days ago our mini-flavour started to pull herself up. And now she already wants to climb up the sofa. Once she discovers how to keep her balance she'll be running around. Happy exciting and stressful days to come. I'm looking forward to that :-)!

Cinnamon x


  1. This is so well said....There is a first time for everything.... Your Mini flavour will be walking soon and than running ;) It is exciting.
    PS:) I really enjoyed reading this. So sweet.
    Vanilla xx

  2. Lovely and unique time you have with your little girl now. Enjoy every bit of it. Time goes so quick :)

  3. Thanks girls :-). Cinnamon x
