Monday, 20 July 2015

Picnic at Avington

This was a week ago, when we knew nothing about the diet we were going to start...
Cinnamon, do you remember ? ;D
Pimms and cakes while chatting and enjoying the view on Avington House.
I can fit that house in my glass ;D
Pimms. delicious drink, full of goodness, was very welcomed and enjoyed.
                                                     Cheers !
 Always fun to be catching up .... Cinnamon is back from her holiday now.
 Isn't English country site just wonderful ? I love this spot. The pond is full of life. There is always something going on. And it is so relaxing to watch nature around us...Specially when sun is shining.
We had some other friends come to join us later on. Pimms was enjoyed by all of us, but this four legged friend couldn't take his eyes of my cakes. Poor thing. Look at him...
After the picnic, we went for a girls walk around Avington. Boys of course just stayed chatting...apparently , someone had to stay watching the food and Pimms ;) ha ha...
It was fine, as girls needed some girls time and boys needed some boys time...
We were all happy.
Vanilla xx

1 comment:

  1. Of course I remember. What a beautiful day! But hey, we're not on a diet it's an experience ;-). Still I miss cake, the one you've made was so nice! Cinnamon x
