Friday, 13 March 2015

4000 pounds is gone !

Morning :D
My Darling is leaving for work, I get a kiss on the cheek and he is gone...
I feel so cozy in my bed...and am so happy , I don't have to rush anywhere...
Right !?
But I got the phone call saying : Put your radio on and listen , where the Breeze Bandit is?
Well, how can I be asleep , when there is the Breeze Bandit walking somewhere around with
4000 pounds ? Yes !
Radio mania started some time ago, people listen to the radio early hours in the morning for 
the clues. Where could he be ? When you find him, or you think it's him, you should ask 
him a question ; Are you the Radio Breeze Bandit ? What ?
Just imagine you running around asking people, if they are Radio Breeze Bandit  ?
You could get punched in the face ;) ha ha
But as they say on Radio Breeze "If you don't ask, you don't win "
In total, there is 40 000 pounds that Radio Breeze will give away. So I will keep my radio on in the
mornings. Day before yesterday, I was seriously thinking, am I going to work, or am I 
going to find The Radio Breeze Bandit ? Is 2000 worth being late for work ? YES !
But I still just went to work!
Today, it was 4000 and the girl in Southampton got Bandit in 5 minutes ! 
It is Friday the 13th and the girl is crying on the phone, being so excited and happy :D , 
wishing her boyfriend Happy Anniversary...Happy days....
I wish them many more wonderful Anniversary's ...
To myself, I wish, I get the Breeze Bandit tomorrow ;D 
Tomorrow will be early morning again? I will listen to the Breakfast Breeze show , will go
to find the Bandit and than make my mind, if I will go to work tomorrow, as I suppose to be starting
at 10 am.
Vanilla xx

I've got to tell you something ! :
It is now afternoon 1:30 pm and the price is 1500 What? Another one today ? I only had my radio
on in my car ...didn't expect another challenge today ! Where is he ? Something to do with birds?
( is the clue ) Destination is plural and it is somewhere inside apparently !!
 Is it a Swan Center in Eastleigh ? Something to do with birds.... ?? Where is he !? :( They also say for Peter's sake...find him...Maybe St.Peter's church in Winchester??  People are phoning what they think....It is too late ends at 2 pm and they will soon say where he was...?


  1. Hihi, I'll start listening to radio Breeze tomorrow too ;-). Even 1000 pounds would be nice to have. But I think it must be so difficult to ask people that question. Usually radio people look so "normal"... but funny challenge! Cinnamon x

  2. Today in the morning it was 3000 pounds and some woman found Breeze Radio Bandit in Southampton on the lake somewhere, apparently South Sea boating lake :( I went to a different place...just before I went to work. I gave it a go...I tried ...Area that he can be in is so when they give clues, it could be anywhere...Good luck for tomorrow ;)
    Vanilla xx
