Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Orchids-how to make them survive

Like my friend said  "Orchids don't need perfum, they are to beautifull". She is so right. But how to keep them so pretty? Before you buy your dream plant, make sure you check the leaves and roots. Quite often plant is already damaged in shops and when is dying at home we think it is our fault. So once you got your plant first thing you need, is to think where about to place your orchid. I will be talking here about phalaenopsis orchids and all I'm writing here is based on my experience. Best way to learn is to try :)
All my orchids and as I mentioned before I have got 10 of them prefer window sill direct to north east. Orchids love sun but not to much, ideally when is the morning sun, which is nourishing but not so strong to burn their leaves.

If you want to know more about orchids, follow me on Pepper's Monday:) Just remember orchids don't grow to satisfy our ambition. They come out because we expend our effort on them:)
Pepper xxx


  1. You must have a green thumb, or an orchid thumb :-). I went to the garden centre yesterday and was about to buy an orchid but the lady said exactly the same: orchids love to be on window sills. Well, no space in my house. Maybe some other time. Please keep on giving instructions ;-). Cinnamon x

  2. Orchids do like window sills, but they will grow happy anywhere else as long as they have access to the sun :)
