Tuesday, 17 March 2015

When I feel under the weather...

O no !
I do not like that ! Illness gets in a way exactly , when I feel on top of the world and loving doing things. When I am busy. 
It  sits me on my bottom, here ! I have to stop ! I guess, if nothing stops me, this will, my friend told me yesterday. There you go, you can't be told ;) She always tells me to slow down, just like my sister and my Mum 
Well, all I want is to get better as soon as possible. 
On Sunday I wasn't even hungry, but my Darling cooked a beautiful meal for us. He fallowed Jamie Oliver's fish and chips recipe. 
 If it was left to me, we would eat nothing. That is not the usual me. I love cooking normally.
I just kept drinking lots of Ginger and Lemon Tea with honey, Peppermint Tea ,  
Chai Tea in which I added some ground cloves, it suppose to get rid of cold.
 Last night,after left over dinner from night before  I was craving something healthy , but also something that would help me to get better .
 I would like to share with you  my STEWED APPLES recipe 

I cut up 3 apples , fried them in one table spoon of coconut oil.
After about 5 min. I added 50 ml.
of water and
1/3 of tea spoon of cinnamon
and 3 shakes from ground mixed spice,
2 crushed cloves and kept stewing the apples, 
for 5 min.longer.
2 hand fulls of blueberry's 
and splash of Maple syrup to your taste
and if you have got bit of Vanilla sugar,
that would make a dish taste lovely and
home to smell incredible ;D

When blueberry's bursted and apples are soft, it's ready. 
Dish your Stewed Apples on plates and sprinkle with ground walnuts or any other kind of nuts you would like or have in your cupboard. If you like to spoil yourself even more, you can serve it with  yogurt , custard, of even ice cream .

               If you not well, try this. Enjoy and get well with Vanilla ;) xx


  1. Hey I think you stole that stewed apple recipe from my mum ;-). That's what I have, especially in winter times. I like it with ice cream or sweet quark dumplings. I hope it will help you to get better soon! Cinnamon x

  2. Hi Cinnamon ;) this wasn't a real recipe, It was what I had at home and I just put it together ;) Good to hear you like it :) it is a compliment,that it's your Mums recipe :) At home my Mum makes it just with cinnamon and vanilla sugar. But I know cloves are good for fighting colds so I thought I use them and mixed spice also...Am getting better thank you.I'll see you soon. Back to work tomorrow :)
    Vanilla xx
