Friday, 6 March 2015

Age is a number !

Vanilla's Friday

Magazines, News papers, Internet,  T.v. programmes....everywhere you can find people promoting some kind of solution to not get old, or how can we look young for ever?
To look is maybe easier, than to be...Because we are designed to age. That is one thing , that will happen to all the ones who are fortunate to live a long life...There is no other way! No matter what we do! To look good with it, yes , I think we can influence it...And I agree, we should care for ourselves.

I really don't mind how old I am , as long as I keep being young ;D ...

I think it's very important to be in peace with your self and comfortable in your own skin.
I also believe, there is something like " Aging beautifully "
People now days are so scared to age...Why ?
Every time of our life should be special for us...
We should enjoy childhood, young age, married life or single life, becoming parents and also becoming grandparents...Make the best of it...
If we all get to understand , that there is a pattern, almost all of us will go trough the same stages of is just about if we choose to enjoy it or not....Nobody can stop at 20, 30, 40...
We are gonna age. Every age has its own beauty.
I think it is all about state of mind...can we be happy for who we are ? No matter how old we are?

We are designers of our own life, we can achieve, what we like to achieve, we can dream and our dreams can come true...We need to visualize good things and good things will come to us...
Positivity is an  incredible thing !!!
It can give you wings...
So for me,  positive thinking, good diet, active life,  social life, pampering and knowing to relax is a great combination, for making you feel happy and  energized.
Energized = full of life. When you feel good, age doesn't matter... ;)

I know some elderly people.
Rain or not, they walk their dog every day.
They are in their 90s and they live in their own home and keep on doing things for each other. They enjoy meeting with the family , playing with their great grandchildren and designing activities for them like Easter egg hunts...They still enjoy socializing, partying, traveling, gardening, shopping... They use computer so well. They are moving with times...They are young in their heart. And I can say , they are aging well without liposuction or  face lifts.

I read a bit on the subject of healthy living, super foods ,types of  tea and coffee that are good for you.
I take interest in herbs and their health properties...My Mum and me, have always something new to share, when we  skype...

I will give you some tips, that I believe in...So you can come and check me out...I will reveal ingredients,  recipes and foods that I like to consume and like to think, that they will do the trick on me ;)

You can contact me, and let me know, what do you think...? I think, we all have some rituals, that we do and believe  will make us or better, or more beautiful or make us look young for ever ;) or at least make us age well ;D
See you tomorrow with my special SOMETHING ;)


  1. Ageing beautifully, I like that :-). I think we shouldn't think too much about our age you can't change it anyway. As you said, diet, activity and positive thinking are really important (and for me as you know my faith too). I'm impressed with that 90 year old couple. (How are they partying?) What are super foods? I think I've heard that somewhere before... Cinnamon x

  2. Hi Cinnamon. They socialize with their family and friends and they also go on cruise every year on their holiday and go to dinners and music evenings...Isn't that just great?
    O and super foods? Am sure you heard about some of it already, at our coffee chats ;) he he
    Vanilla xx
