Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Hip(p) or what?!

...and all of a sudden you are called mama!

Food and eating are one of the main topics when you have a child. When I was pregnant or even before then I always thought that mums make far too big a deal of it. But they weren't. 
It all starts with the big question: bottle or breast? I wanted it the most natural way but breastfeeding is really not easy. So with your little baby you worry: do they drink enough or do I even have enough milk? Is my food affecting them? Later when you decide to start weaning you ask yourself: do I want to cook or buy jars? I thought cooking is best for my baby at least you know a little bit more about the ingredients. My baby-book was advising mums to do so too. Well, I bought two lovely cook books for babies and toddlers - both highly rated on Amazon and started shopping. And then I steamed my veg, only a tiny amount as it is best freshly prepared, and then I started mashing and mashing and mashing. My very impatient baby at that time started whinging as soon as I started peeling and cutting carrots and potatoes. By the time I was waiting for the veg to be soft but not overcooked she was crying and then she was screaming by the time I was fighting with the blender. No it wasn't easy. It took ages to cook and the result was more or less tasteless. My creations didn't even look happy and appetizing. I got several funny faces and my daughter became the master of spitting. Then I tried baby jars. I listened to my mum advising me to only buy Hipp as that's what I used to love. Hm, it couldn't get any worse I thought. And what a change - she was actually eating. Jars were and are so much easier and less stressful. I only bought and still buy the organic stuff hoping that they're a bit better than the others. Who knows. But my mini-me seems to only like those ones anyway. Now that my little one is a toddler I think I should have carried on cooking though as she still likes the ready meals for kids. (I like pizza too but I only have it occasionally cause it is not good for you.) Only a few months ago she has started to eat my food but only as long as it is the same that we eat - best from my plate of course. I try offering her two meals per day now: usually I cook for lunch and in the evening she has one of her Hipp meals (not all of it though). And I know you shouldn't use a lot of salt and spices but if it is completely lifeless Toblerone would not eat it but spit it out with a very serious face telling mama "you don't really think I'm going to eat that". I try different types of food now cause what she likes today she might not want again tomorrow or the day after. So today we had Greek Moussaka. Yummy. I could put cinnamon in it ;-). And yesss, little munchkin liked it and asked for more. A good day! Not sure what I'm going to make tomorrow...
Cinnamon x

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