Tuesday, 7 April 2015

My new dendrobium orchid :)

Welcome back after Easter Holiday.
Hopefully you all enjoyed it and didn't eat to much :)) I would like to say sorry for  a delay. Unfortunately I missed my Monday. It was a long day at work, and wasn't nice. The only thing I could think of after 12 hours was shower and bed.
So what I would like to talk about today is my latest addition in my orchids collection. I thought I like to try with different type of orchids so I bought dendrobium. It was beautiful with amazing green flowers. For couple of months orchid was flowering and looking healthy and happy. Bu suddenly 2 months ago my plant started to loose leaves. I thought it is the same situation like with phalaenopsis, they have to loose old laves to create new one. But my dendrobium kept losing leaves nearly 1 every 2 days. I was terrified because my plant look like that now:
All the leaves are gone. I thought maybe the place is wrong, maybe to much water etc. But I was extra careful with my orchid, because it was new and different type. I didn't think I have done something wrong. I thought to myself bad luck I just bought poorly one. But I didn't throw my plant away, don't ever do that. You have to give your orchids a chance to adapt. After few days my orchid started to grow something right on the top. I presume that could be new leaves. Like I said it is my first  dendrobium so I'm still learning and guessing a lot. But at least now I can be all excited and not worry so much about my plant :)
I will post some more pictures of my orchid once it looks better. So don't ever give up on your orchids, they are a real fighters :)

Pepper xxx

1 comment:

  1. Poor thing :( Hope it will get some flowers soon...
    Vanilla xx
