First of all what keiki is..From Hawaiian keiki means a child. We could say that keiki is a clone of its parent. Orchids keiki grow when growth hormones are accumulated at node on flower spike. You can also buy special paste to induce keiki. So when keiki grow, it needs to develop at least 3 leaves and 3 roots about 2 inches long to survive. Although still you have no guarantee that your keiki will grow, they very fragile. But once you have your keiki big enough use sterilize and sharp blade to remove keiki from its mother. Once you have done it on your plant as well as on you keiki remains an open wound so you should apply cinnamon on it to prevent fungal infection. Obviously you have to pot your new plant separately or with mother plant. Normally it takes about 2 years for keiki to flower. It is very exciting when you have your first keiki but quite often it is a sign that your mother plant is in a bad condition and is just trying to continue its species. For example look at the pictures below. I found this poor orchid at my friends house, she wanted to throw it away, but obviously I couldn't let that happen and I'm planning to save mother orchid and its child. So once your keiki appear watch your plant carefully.
Pepper xxx
To write this article mostly I based on my experience with orchids but because this is my first keiki I have used source from American Orchid Society :
Wow you are turning into an orchid whisperer ;-). Good luck with the saving mission! Cinnamon x.