Wednesday, 18 February 2015

A family evening

It's still Cinnamon's Wednesday

We enjoyed a lovely family dinner tonight - German/ African style :-). We had sadza (the white stuff on the plate), greens (well, you can't get spring greens in Germany so I had to use savoy cabbage instead) and a nice beef stew accompanied by a glass of red wine (an amazing one, by the way; and to be honest I enjoyed two glasses today cause hubby was driving back). For desert we had "Berliner", we call them donuts in England. It's a common sweet for this time of year. Unfortunately we were too quick to finish them, I couldn't even take a picture ;-).

The meal doesn't look pretty on the plate but it really tastes nice. I have to cook it for your girls ;-).

Our little one was really tired after playing with her cousin and auntie and uncle all afternoon. She fell asleep in the car and I thought she might want to stay up once we are back. But no, she drank her milk and was asleep within a few minutes, cuddling her rabbit and sheep :-). As we are one hour ahead it's time for me to sleep as well. 
Goodnight from Cinnamon x

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait for you to be back Cinnamon :) Tea time and holiday talk. Still enjoy rest of your holiday. See you soon.xx Vanilla
